Skills, trainings courses and certifications

🛠 Skills

I try my best to be a better scientist and a better person every day. Therefore, I took several courses on improving my transferable skills. Such courses allowed me to collaborate with the National Technical Library (NTK) in several ocasions. Nowadays, I am part of the Expert Council of the National Centre for Information Support of Research, Development, and Innovation (NCIP) where we focus on the development of transferable skills for early career researchers.

Good Personal skills: Problem solving - Critical thinking - Interpersonal skills - Adaptability - Empathy - Collaboration - Teamwork
Not that good Personal skills: Leadership - Organization - Creativity

🏋️‍♀️ Training courses and certifications

SELF-CONFIDENCE: 40-minute Confidence & Self Esteem GuideUdemy2022
Statistics for Data Science and Business AnalysisUdemy2022
Fundamentals of managementUCT2021
Effective Scientific WritingUCT2021
Deep Learning A-Z™: Hands-On Artificial Neural NetworksUdemy2021
Machine Learning A-Z™: Hands-On Python & R In Data ScienceUdemy2021
Gaining confidence in presentationsNTK2018
Summer School in BioinformaticsUEF2017
Effective Scientific WritingUCT2017

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